What is a VUP and why is it useful?
The VUP is a programmed USB flash drive you can use:
• to update easier and faster your FAR VISION DEVICE software
• as a “rescue disk”, to restore the FAR VISION DEVICE in case of problems
The VUP is the low cost system you must buy, if you want to maintain updated your FAR VISION DEVICE: insert this request in your purchase order.
How does it work?
Far Vision Device upgrade is very easy if you use a VUP: insert the VUP and power on the instrument, that’s all.
All you need is a VUP provided by DMD Computers, so the distributor or the final user could update Far Vision Device directly where it is installed, without an expert help.
How to know the current software version of Far Vision Device?
To be sure about current version installed on your Far Vision Device, please move the selection on INFO button (SETUP window): the software version will be displayed on the bottom information box.
Instruction for device with software version 5.X(X)
1) with your Far Vision Device turned off, insert the VUP into the USB port
2) turn on the Far Vision Device by pressing a remote control key, then wait for update ended (six-ten minutes)
3) when update was ended the Far Vision Device will be automatically turned off (please, remove the VUP)
Instruction for device with software version 6.X(X)
1) Select SETUP, INFORMATION, UPDATE, insert the VUP into the USB port
2) When FVD turns off, remove the VUP and turn on again the FVD
3) As soon as the update is finished the FVD will reboot automatically
What do I have to do when the VUP software is old?
Every time a new software is released, DMD Computers make it available, free of charge, for VUP owners through internet download. An account is required: please get your registration on the producer’s website http://www.dmd.it/medical.
If you have a VUP with an obsolete software, you must update a VUP before update your Far Vision Device:
1) make a login and download the last available software from http://www.dmd.it/medical
2) copy the downloaded file to your VUP. Attention: you must replace the old file!