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  BlueKit 2


What is a BlueKit2 and why is it useful?

The BlueKit2 allow you to connect the Pola VistaVision, VistaVision WIDE and VistaVision WideN to your digital phoropter: the support is granted for following Digital Refraction System:

  • Tomey TAP-1000 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Huvitz HDR-7000 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Huvitz HDR-9000 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Axion SDR-3000 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Pichina AV-9000 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Luneau Visionix Vision PRO (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Visionix VX 60 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Nidek RT-5100 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Nidek RT-3100 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Unicos UDR-800 (only with POLA VistaVision/VistaVision WIDE/VistaVision WIDE N)
  • Huvitz CDR-3100
  • Unicos UDR-700
  • Potec PAV-6100
  • Indo eDR-10



 visionix       huvitz     indo    potec     tomey      unicos       nidek





What do you get with a BlueKit2?

With the BlueKit2 you receive:

  • BlueBox, the Bluetooth Serial adapter for your Converter Box. Provided by the Digital Refraction System
  • BluePen, the Bluetooth micro dongle for your VistaVision. (if not found, it could be already connected to the VistaVision)
  • A cable to connect to Tomey TAP-1000, Axion SDR-3000 and Pichina AV-9000 Junction Box. (if you requested the special BlueKit for Tomey TAP-1000)
  • The connection software for the integration with the Digital Refraction System. (already included in the VistaVision)



bluePen        Bluekit2








The BlueKit2 replace the cable between your VistaVision and your phoropter: the BlueBox and the BluePen in the BlueKit2 are paired, so you cannot connect to your refractor with an other Bluetooth dongle (neither from an other BlueKit2).

What do you need?

  • The POLA VistaVision, the VistaVision WIDE, the VistaVision WIDE N or the VistaVision
  • A compatible Digital Refraction System:
  • the Tomey TAP-1000, the Huvitz HDR-7000, the Huvitz HDR-9000, the Huvitz CDR-3100, the Indo eDR-10, the Potec PAV-6100, the Unicos UDR-700, the Unicos UDR-800, the Axion SDR-3000, the Pichina AV-9000, the Luneau Visionix Vision PRO, the Visionix VX60, the Nidek RT-5100 or the Nidek RT-3100.
  • One of the following converter box (for any phoropters other than Tomey TAP-1000, Axion SDR-3000, Pichina AV- 9000):
  • the Huvitz HDR-7000 Converter Box type CHART (if you have the Huvitz HDR-7000)
  • the Huvitz HDR-9000 Converter Box type CHART (if you have the Huvitz HDR-9000)
  • the Huvitz CDR-3100 Converter Box type CCP (if you have the Huvitz CDR-3100 or the Potec PAV-6100)
  • the Indo eDR-10 / Unicos UDR-700 / Unicos UDR-800 Converter Box type ACP (if you have the Indo eDR-10 or the Unicos UDR-700 or the Unicos UDR-800)



VistaVision replace the functionality of which projector?

  • The POLA VistaVision, the VistaVision WIDE N and the VistaVision WIDE replace the functionality of the Tomey TCP- 1001 type A, the Huvitz HCP-7000 type RC-A, the Axion SCP-3000 type A, the Pichina ACP-9000 type A, the Huvitz CCP-3100 type RC-A, the Unicos ACP-700 type A, the Potec PACP-6100 type RC-A, the Indo eCP-10 type A, the Luneau Char Display L40, the Nidek CP-770 type T and the Nidek SC-1600 POLA type G+.
  • The VistaVision 19'' replace the functionality of the Huvitz CCP-3100 type RC-A, the Unicos ACP-700 type A, the Potec PACP-6100 type RC-A and the Indo eCP-10 type A.
  • The model is automatically selected when BlueKit2 establish a connection between your phoropter and the VistaVision.
  • Be careful that any other type or model is not supported.


Which BlueKit2 I have to use?


If you have the Tomey TAP-1000 (or the Axion SDR-3000 or the Pichina AV-9000), you have to order:

  • “Wireless Connection Kit to Phoropter (Tomey only)” - code 4DMD BLUEKIT-2.3


If you have the Nidek RT-5100, you have to order:

  • “Wireless Connection Kit to Phoropter (Nidek RT-5100 only)” - code 4DMD BLUEKIT-2.1


If you have the Nidek RT-3100, you have to order:

  • “Wireless Connection Kit to Phoropter (Nidek RT-3100 only)” - code 4DMD BLUEKIT-2.4



  • “Wireless Connection Kit to Phoropter” - code 4DMD BLUEKIT-2.2


The BlueKit2 warranty is 2 years


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